It’s been a while…

I guess 2020 and much of 2021 so far for many of us has been a bit of a creative write-off. Thankfully, not for all of us, and for me personally, certainly not in my day job. But lockdowns make it much harder to get out and shoot. However, we all need to be grateful we’re still here, and on the other side - with the light looking brighter as life opens back up more towards ‘normal’ again. Though, who knows what the ‘new normal’ will look like?

On a personal note, I moved house over lockdown, and specifically to give me a permanent home studio for the first time, so that I can get back into shooting headshots regularly again. It’s been a while since I’ve been able to regularly shoot, and every creative bone in my body is dying to get back to it. So, I figured having a home studio setup would actually help force, and focus, that intention.

Of course, having said that, lockdown restrictions have meant it’s not really been able to be used yet - just once or twice so far. If you want to see the style I’ll be able to shoot from my home studio now, here’s a little gallery of samples.

Some actual, recent shots

A decent amount of good weather this summer has meant it’s been great to get back out on the streets… though, having moved - I’ve found a location I really like, yet is literally outside my door. Who’d have thought directly underneath a motorway would be a great little photography location. Well, obviously I did. I mean there’s a reason there’s ‘different’ in the name, right?

Anyway, I’m back. Help me stay here, and get in touch for a shoot.


Rina in London


Jon Savage